Wednesday, June 24, 2009


My buddy Sean found this on another site. I love it! I'm just letting you all know that they're watching you. :P

Salia and I went over to the Moons' house today to share some snickerdoodle cupcakes with them, and we ended up staying there for a while and talking about our past and present, and we even watched some home videos. It was really fun! There's something inspiring about watching yourself as a teetering toddler. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Boys boys boys

I want to bathe in estrogen. This testosterone battle is overcoming me. I need to figure this out!

Yeah we're going nowhere fast
Maybe this time, ill be yours you'll be mine
- Lady Gaga

Saturday, June 06, 2009

How Bizarre

She let the void of her mind open like a trapdoor, sucking in all the good and bad about a person as they fell into the space...and then she woke up.